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School Council

All government schools in Victoria have School Councils. They are legally formed bodies, which are given powers to set the key directions of a school. In doing so, a School Council is able to directly influence the quality of education provided to its students.


2021 School Council Members

  • Kylie Laing – President                              

  • Terryn Cecere – Vice President 

Gregory Eddy (Acting Principal), Kylie Laing, Jayde Headlam, , Alex Brusamarello, Shannon Dwyer, Amber Watson Harms, Freya Carbone (Teacher),Vanessa Fisher (Community Member)



The School Council has responsibilities for developing such things as:

  • The school’s strategic plan, which sets out the main goals and priorities of the school for 3 years.

  • The school’s budget, which shares out the available resources to enable the plans in the charter to be carried out.

  • The general education policy of the school.

  • The physical appearance and maintenance of the school’s buildings and grounds.

  • The student code of conduct.

  • An annual report on the school’s achievements.


Annual Reports

Each year the school is required to report to its community through an annual report of School Council. The Annual Report provides information on student achievement and curriculum delivery at the school. It also provides information about staff development and the school’s financial planning.

2020 Annual Report

Joining our school council

Parents on council provide important viewpoints and have valuable skills, which help in shaping the direction of our school. All parents are welcome to join our school council. Please contact the school on 5663 5263 for more information.

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